Tuesday, October 25, 2011

High class hookers

Here's a little drawing i did in on a bright and sunny saturday in march 2011, strangely just a couple of days after my dad had died, and I had spent the better part of the day with a friend to dispel my grief. We were out on the town and came upon a store selling make-up and wigs, and there, among other things, we both tried on the most enormous, marvellous blonde afro wig.

Afterwards we went to my apartment where we had tea and sandwiches, and later as my friend lay resting on my bed i used, for some reason, and i have forgotten in which context, the word "lyxhora", whereupon my friend asked what that might be in english, and i came up with nothing better than "high class prostitute" and my friend repeated it in an almost dreamy voice, and i got this image in my head with the two of us as high class hookers lounging in a swanky hotel suite, and quickly doodled it down then and there... highly idealized versions of us, especially me, and definitely not meant to capture our likenesses in any way. My friend got the honour of wearing the aforementioned afro wig.
We also got new names and nationalities; my friend became Natalya from Moscow, and I NĂºria from Bilbao. Awfully politically incorrect sans doute, but fun nonetheless.

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